Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Maxu update

We are relieved that say that Maxu is doing much better. Appetite is back. In fact, she was waiting (or "camping", as I usually say) in the kitchen this morning for breakfast.

We give her about half a (small) can of food for one meal and she would eat all her share. She sometimes gets hungry between meals.

Fingers crossed: she has been able to retain all foods. Let's hope that this lasts...

I tried to weight her recently. The scale said about 4.4 kg. That's light, if you think that last time at the vet, she weighted 5.4 kg. And not so long time ago, over 7kg...

As long as she eats, there is hope.

The only question mark remaining her heart. That could stop at anytime. Time bomb kind of situation. We have no choice but live with it (kind of similar to earthquakes here in Japan---know about it, be prepared, but don't think about it too often...)

Movie of Momo and Chouchou playing together

Late mid July pics

I am uploading pictures as Momo is miawing for no particular reason...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

an update on Maxu's latest update

I hope I did not worry anybody with my latest message about Maxu.

She is much better today; eating yesterday definitely helped... and tonight, when I came back, she was in the kitchen, waiting for food. Hungry.

That's great news.

Now, let's see how long that will last...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Maxu update

Picture taken today, a bad day (she ate almost nothing these past days).

Maxu has good days and bad days. These past days were rather bad.

We decided to go the DNR (do not resuscitate) route: given the fact that she is 15 and has had a long and busy life, stress from monthly visits to the vet and especially from being forced to take medicine you don't want to twice a day is just not worth the few additional months we may get.

Euthanasia for pets is not really done here, from what I understood. The vet never suggested even once to ease Titi's trip to heaven, even on the last days.

Recently, that is, just before her health took another bad turn, Maxu had some very unusual behaviour...

on the kittens cat tree (she never went on it)

on the old small cat's tree, in Sh's room (she also never paid attention to it)

In our bedroom closet, on the top (about 1.6 meter high). She had to do some climbing to get there.

Mid July pics of the cats

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

How to stay fit...

... the healthy Momo and Chouchou way---recommended---unlike Maxu's diet (see earlier post).

Run around like crazy for 15 minutes or so, once to twice a day. It may be easier to run AFTER somebody. And add some judo here and there. Just remember not to hurt the other. And not to make any noise (other than your steps or noise of your body falling on the floor). Recommended times are late in the evening or early in the morning. So that you are sure to bother other people/cats living with you.

Needless to say, Maxu does not appreciate these exercises very much. She could use some of it, though...

We were worried about Momo and Chouchou getting fat after their surgeries (there were neutered last winter). But no need to worry. Chouchou is a little plumy-like, depending on her position. But she is fit and so is Momo.

Interestingly, such times also happened to Titi. Once in a while, he would get over excited and start running around on his own. Of course, running after your best friend is much more fun...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Maxu way diet

Warning: please do NOT follow ...

Do like Maxu: eat about 1/10 of the daily quantity of food you used to eat and you will loose a lot of weight.

Maxu seems OK. she is still eating, just a little. But she shows appetite (even if she doesn't eat so much), and jumps around when needed.

Pictures taken this morning:

Her torax is till big (probably due to bigger heart), but the parts below (stomach etc) are smaller. You can't see it clearly on a picture, but you can feel it. She is also much lighter.

Compared to pictures taken earlier this year:

beginning of July pics