Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Life is a game

Looks cute, lovely and of course innocent, right ?

Not always...
How to go on the nicest locations:
1) place yourself discreetly near the spot

2) as if nothing was happening, remain calm and quiet
3) remain calm and quiet. Just looking...
3) attack


or just go into the box (already occupied, but it's a detail) and make yourself comfortable. The other occupant of the box will soon feel very uncomfortable and leave on his/her own.

Don't forget to remain calm, quiet and lovely looking (remember that this being Japan, looks count a lot)

Another method: go close enough to Maxou so that she starts feeling uncomfortable and leaves on her own (tried on the tatami room for the sunny spot or on the sofa)

Sooooo cute....

1 comment:

kuri, ping, the pinglet, & mini-ping said...

They are so cute!!! They look so cuddly. :)