The cats needed barely hours to get very comfortable in the new house. Maybe because DH was returning from Fukushima every weekend with his clothes impregnated with PIL’s house smell.
Momo and Chouchou are enjoying their new home. Our new house has lots of windows and both cats are enjoying the view. They can observe cars, people and, sometimes, even birds. The cats also enjoy the soft carpets, the large stairs—and their cats’ trees. They even greet FIL and let him pet them.
Chouchou has always been very sociable. But Momo seems to improve every time he goes through new experiences. He was very scared of everything when we were living in the Kitayono manshion (until end of January), but became much more sociable recently.
Here is a short summary of their daily lives:
- Momo wakes me up pretty early every morning, in need of petting and affection (sometimes, fresh food or clean toilet). His miaou is high and loud and cannot be ignored.
- Once I am up and awake, ready to tackle the day, Momo decides to go into hiding in the corridor behind DH's study room. This is the space were we temporarily store FIL's many unused futon. Momo found a great spot that we can unfortunately not find (this is the fun part for him).
- Momo spends most of his day in the hidden spot (see above)
- Late afternoon, after hours of relaxing in the hidden spot, Momo comes out and miaous laudly. He needs affection, fresh food or clean toilet. Or just company and undivided attention.
- Chouchou, on the other hand, spends a lot of time awake. If she really gets tired, she would sleep on her favorite cats' tree. She rarely goes in hiding. She rarely miaous and is in fact pretty quiet.
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